Greetings, iam Valentine Urbanski, Have an A+ day.

Which Gender Is Canon In Fallout 4? [Solved]

With fallout 4 the player character is either male or female, though it seems that the canon soul survivor is male by default since he narrates the prologue . however, since both the male and female versions of the soul survivor have backstories 24 Jul 2018

132 Funny & Cool Names Codsworth Can Say (Fallout 4)

Every single weird, funny, and cool name Codsworth can say. Also, if any of these are your real names, then consider them cool.

This Is How You Make Fallout 4 Unrecognizable From It’s Base Vanilla Game

Special thanks to: dirthugger2000 William Frederick Mazexx Quantonium Gaming Altina Orion Vasken Reizian Dexhahaha Al C. T …

How Bisexuality Changed Video Games

Do you play video games? Or do they play you? Please consider supporting my work via Patreon: …