Hola, iam Todd Leasure, G’day, mate.

Which Is Most Likely To Increase The Pacing Of A Story? [Solved]

Much like short, straightforward words, simple sentences can increase the narrative pace. Longer, more complex sentences—with several clauses that build upon each other—have the opposite effect and tend to slow the story down. Conversations are a great way for characters to exchange information quickly and concisely.

How to Pace yourself during the #GMAT Test? | Timing and Pacing Strategies from GMAT Expert

Many students don’t understand how to

The Secret to Good Story Pacing

You’ve worked hard to develop compelling characters, craft sizzling dialogue, and create gripping conflict, but if your

ME/CFS Recovery - Ways to Stop Wasting Energy

In this video I share one module from my Skillshare course covering a unique strategy I use for chronic fatigue syndrome …