Hi, iam Rory Lane, May your day be joyful.
Which Of The Following Statements Is True About The Vertical Motion Of Projectile? [Solved]
d. TRUE - A projectile has a vertical acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s throughout the entire trajectory. This acceleration value is constant. This means that the vertical velocity changes by the same amount - 9.8 m/s - during each second of its motion.
Kinematics Part 2: Vertical Motion
Alright, we did side to side, now let’s go up and down! Kinematics and
Kinematics Part 3: Projectile Motion
Things don’t always move in one dimension, they can also move in two dimensions. And three as well, but slow down buster!
Projectile Motion | Part 4| Project STAR Content Enhancement in Physics
Projectile Motion