Greetings, iam Elizabeth Turner, Hope you’re having a great day!
Which Race Is Best For Mesmer? [Solved]
Lore-wise, any race can be a Mesmer. Charr might be less common, as they have a low-key cultural bias against magic, but it’s still all good. Humans and Asura may be more common, as they tend to be more strongly Magic-oriented.5 Oct 2017
What Race Should I Play In Guild Wars 2? | Up To Date New Player Guide 2021
Scared of making a mistake at the MMOs character creator? My thoughts and recommendations on
So You Want To Play Mesmer | Guild Wars 2 Profession Introduction and Tips 2021
Here’s the part where I try to not be as cringe as possible, but I just can’t help myself! Social Links: …
Guild Wars Profession Guide #5 MESMER [for New & Returning players]
Hello and thanks for waching my