Sup, iam James Davis, Don’t miss me too much.

Who Is Better To Side With Raiders Or Settlers? [Solved]

Most players seem to prefer sticking with the Settlers up until they get access to the Chinese Stealth Armor. After that — and particularly toward the end of the game — they’ll side with the Raiders, since maxing out Raider reputation opens up the Gauss Minigun as well as the ArmCo Ammunition Construction Appliance.30 May 2020

The Hardest Choice I’ve Ever Had To Make | Raiders Versus Settlers | Fallout 76 Wastelanders

Today I talk about the hardest choice I’ve had to make in a video and why I’ve been struggling with it so much. Click here to …

Fallout 76 Wastelanders - All Raider & Settler Rewards - Who To Side With?

G’day guys this is TYR and today I am bringing you another Fallout 76 Wastelanders guide, this time i am showing off all of the in …

Here’s Why Getting Max Settler Reputation is Worth the Grind in Fallout 76 Wastelanders

A thorough review over everything you can get from the