Hello, iam Janice Lynch, Don’t overdo it!
Who Is The Leader Of Valenwood? [Solved]
Oreyn Bearclaw. Oreyn Bearclaw was one of Valenwood’s most legendary heroes. He was the son of king Faume Toad-Eye, and was a respected clan hunter, as well as a future leader.
Elder Scrolls: Valenwood - Lore Explained
Elder Scrolls:
Valenwood civil war explained (With map) - The Elder Scrolls Lore
If you enjoy the content, check the channel for more lore & consider subscribing! Patreon: …
Who is the Thalmor leader? - Elder Scrolls Lore Analysis
Sorry if I sound tired, I was tired Half baked: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-ChBu5pl0y2IeY5ypp12g Thalmor explained: …